Chess Data

The simplest yet powerful MySQL chess database to learn and play chess online.


Clone the chesslablab/chess-data repo into your projects folder. Then cd the chess-data directory and create an .env file:

cp .env.example .env

Run the Docker container in detached mode in the background:

docker compose up -d

Update the .env file to your specific needs and create the chess database:

docker exec -itu 1000:1000 chess_data_php php cli/db-create.php


The chess database consists of these tables: annotations, games, openings and users.

mysql> show tables;
| Tables_in_chess |
| annotations     |
| games           |
| openings        |
| users           |
4 rows in set (0.00 sec)

🗒 annotations

This table is seeded with the CSV files in the data/annotations folder.

docker exec -itu 1000:1000 chess_data_php php cli/seed/annotations.php data/annotations

🗒 games

This table can be seeded with the PGN files in the data/example folder either all at once or file by file as it is shown in the examples below.

Seed the games table with all the files in the data/example folder:

docker exec -itu 1000:1000 chess_data_php php cli/seed/games.php data/example
✗ 2 games did not pass the validation.
✓ 4142 games out of a total of 4144 are OK.
✓ 597 games out of a total of 597 are OK.
✗ 1 games did not pass the validation.
✓ 1824 games out of a total of 1825 are OK.
✓ 3878 games out of a total of 3878 are OK.
✓ 4646 games out of a total of 4646 are OK.
✗ 2 games did not pass the validation.
✓ 2126 games out of a total of 2128 are OK.
✓ 2275 games out of a total of 2275 are OK.
✓ 1218 games out of a total of 1218 are OK.
✓ 827 games out of a total of 827 are OK.
✗ 5 games did not pass the validation.
✓ 1341 games out of a total of 1346 are OK.
✓ 5662 games out of a total of 5662 are OK.
✓ 3444 games out of a total of 3444 are OK.

Seed the games table file by file:

docker exec -itu 1000:1000 chess_data_php php cli/seed/games.php data/example/Anand.pgn
✗ 2 games did not pass the validation.
✓ 4142 games out of a total of 4144 are OK.

The games table can also be seeded with your own set of PGN files in the data/games folder:

docker exec -itu 1000:1000 chess_data_php php cli/seed/games.php data/games

Please note that all files in the data folder are gitignored except those in data/example. The chess games won't be loaded into the database if containing PGN tags other than the ones supported by the tables created in the cli/db-create.php script. If that is the case you may want to remove the unsupported tags as shown in the example below.

find . -name '*.pgn' -print0 | xargs -0 sed -i "/\[PlyCount .*\]/d"

🗒 openings

This table is seeded with the CSV files in the data/openings folder.

docker exec -itu 1000:1000 chess_data_php php cli/seed/openings.php data/openings

🗒 users

This is how to seed the users table with fake random generated usernames:

docker exec -itu 1000:1000 chess_data_php php cli/seed/users.php 5000